MetaZoo Coins

MetaZoo TCG has a wide variety of metal coins packaged throughout their products. Commonly Blister Packs, and Theme Decks will have a coin stamped with a corresponding beastie. Available here is a spreadsheet of all currently available coins!

MetaZoo’s Week of Celebration!

“MetaZoo just had its 3rd Birthday and we’ll be celebrating the only way we know how: BIG! Take a look at the MetaZoo Marketplace for some unique sales items this week. and check on our official Discord and social media to see how the celebration continues each day!

MetaZoo Disclosure Pages 1.0

“As the Men In Black continue investigating an incoming wave of reports, agents will be receiving assignments and details in the coming weeks — will you uncover non-human biologics, or just rubble from a weather balloon crash..?

Each disclosure includes 2 out of 4 possible pages, at random.

Set Symbol & Stamp Roundup

Each MetaZoo TCG card has a Set it belongs to. This can be found in the upper right of the card. Some mini sets like Holiday or Collaboration sets can have a stamp or logo as well. Here we have provided a gallery of Set Symbols & Stamps for you to reference.

What are MetaZoo NFTs?

MetaZoo has introduced a range of NFTs (Non-Fungable Tokens) with varying levels of utility. They all have the base function of collectability but offer features such as access to exclusive products, redeemable TCG playable cards, and additional NFT generation.