Earth Tower – Erratas to Note: Part 3

Back for the last time before the 2023 Earth Tower Event in NYC. We continue this time reviewing some of the card Erratas that will be important to this special Earth Tower Format.
Erratas are text corrections to printed cards. The Errata List can be found in the MetaZoo Rules Index and contains revisions that impact a Page’s functionality. Erratas for a Page in one edition may not be present in a future edition once they have been corrected.

Please make sure to read and check in on the official documents regularly at the MetaZoo Games Gameplay website!

Official MetaZoo Rules Index 3/20/23

Primordial Ooze (W 73/165)
○ Original Text: “Equipped Beastie has [Regen] x 2 (two separate [Regen] traits).”
Corrected Text: “Equipped Beastie gains [Regen] x 2 (two separate [Regen] traits) while
this Page is Equipped.”

Elder Matlox (NF 1/16)
○ Original Text: “Matlox you own can use Great Appetite at any time and cannot be sent to
the Afterlife when targeted by Great Appetite.”
Corrected Text: “Matlox you own can use Giant Appetite at any time and cannot be sent
to the Afterlife when targeted by Giant Appetite.

Genoskwa (UFO 1/13)
○ Original Text: “This Beastie is dealt 10 Damage when declaring an Attack.”
Corrected Text: “This Beastie is dealt 10 Damage. when declaring an Attack.

Boojum (SNC 63/165)
○ Original Text: “If you do, you may search your Spellbook for up to 2 Artifacts with an
Aura Cost of 0 and place each Artifact under a Stone Jug Token in the Arena.”
Corrected Text: “If you do, you may search your Spellbook for up to 2 Artifacts with an
Aura Cost of 0 and place each Artifact under a different Stone Jug Token in the Arena.”

Sailing Stones of Death Valley (SNC 3/11)
○ Original Text: “Place an Artifact you control with an Aura Cost of 1 or higher into your
Corrected Text: “Place an Artifact you control with an Aura Cost of 1 or higher into its

Blue Man of Lousiville (SNC 1/11)
○ Original Text: “(Power)[Knock Em’ Down]: Remove up to 3 Cairn Counters from Pages
you control. Inflict target Beastie with [Scared] for each Cairn Counter removed this way.”
Corrected Text: “(Power)[Knock Em’ Down]: Remove up to 3 Cairn Counters from Pages
you control. Inflict target Beastie with [Scared] for each Cairn Counter removed this way.
(You may choose new targets each time.)

Black Aggie (SNC 11/165)
○ Original Text: “Beasties that Attack this Beastie are dealt Damage equal to half the
Damage dealt after resolving Combat. This Beastie cannot be affected by [Dark Aura]
Corrected Text: “Beasties that Attack this Beastie are dealt Damage equal to half the
Damage dealt to this Beastie after resolving Combat. This Beastie cannot be affected by
[Dark Aura] Spells.”