MetaZoo Seance Print Run

Metazoo’s newest set, Séance is dropping on October 21st – be sure you’re in the know about what to expect. Seance Preorders are now available! Head to to get yours!

The print run for Séance was cut to 50,000 of each SKU across the board. That means Séance, Spellbooks, Booster Boxes, Release Event Decks, Theme Decks, and Blister Packs are all going to be much more scarce, and as a result – much more sought after.

The print run for UFO and Wilderness had been increased to 100,000, which has left a bit of stock sitting at the distribution level. The increased print run of those sets means they will be around longer for the inevitable MetaZoo BOOM we’re going to experience.

The 50k limit per SKU means we will only get:

  • 10,000 of each Release Event Deck
  • 10,000 of each Theme Deck
  • 12,500 of each Blister Pack
  • 50,000 Booster Boxes
  • 50,000 Spellbooks

Séance, however – being at 50,000 per SKU, puts it in line with Nightfall. For those new to MetaZoo, and may not know just how crazy the Nightfall release was… it was kind of insane. Nightfall products were difficult to get ahold of – and the set dried up at a distribution level QUICKLY.

Granted, there were more hands in the proverbial “LGS” cookie jar back then buying up stock – (looking at you, channel fireball)… but that leaves us in a state of unknown when it comes to Séance. Will this set be as difficult to get your hands on as a MetaZoo fan, or will there be enough to go around without hoarders holding the entire stock?

Regardless of the answer, there is no need to panic. With the semi-recent introduction of MetaZoo Partners – there are some firm rules when it comes to pricing. All 50+ MetaZoo Partners are guaranteed access to 500 of each SKU, and they are not allowed to sell below or above MSRP for 2 weeks after the release date (October 21st, 2022). Even after this MSRP limitation period ends, Partners are not allowed to sell above or below MSRP by more (or less) than 20%.

While I am not personally a huge proponent of preordering anything (especially video games… stop that) – MetaZoo Séance is an exception. I recommend finding a reputable MetaZoo Partner to preorder Séance, just to guarantee your access to the set.

The soonest that any MetaZoo Partner is allowed to put their Séance product up for preorder is October 5th, at 12:00am EST. I can imagine there will be plenty enough to go around throughout the whole day, so there’s no need to stay up until midnight just to get your MetaZoo fix.

Séance Preorders are now available! Head to to get yours!

Hooray! Séance is officially available!