Mothman Festival 2022

While I was only able to make it to Mothman Festival for one day, I can attest that the entire city of Point Pleasant, WV was buzzing with excitement. While I don’t believe there is an official count of how many attendees showed up on Saturday, September 17th — I can confidently guess that it was at least double the population of Point Pleasant. (As of 2020, the population in Point Pleasant reached 4,112)

Jett Yates had a very busy day interacting with fans and signing autographs. I can’t even imagine how many Cumberland Dragons she must have signed throughout the day… but here’s one of the ones I was lucky enough to get signed!

Mothman Festival 2022

I was joined by @turmentic and @DadHat for an entire day of handing out MetaZoo packs, Immortal Workshop Mothman Festival exclusive promos, and spreading the word about MetaZoo while wearing the awesome shirts in the image to the left. Art credit goes to @DadHat for the promos AND the shirts.

Altogether, we handed out 144 Cryptid Nation 2nd Edition packs, 36 Wilderness packs, 72 UFO packs, and 48 Cryptid Nation 2nd Edition Blister Packs. I’d estimate that the majority of these went to people that didn’t yet know what MetaZoo was. I’d call that a complete success for our first time at the festival!

Only 100 Immortal Workshop Mothman Promos were made, and they were all handed out on Saturday, September 17th. If you managed to snag one, consider yourself lucky! There were also 20 “black bordered” sample Mothman promos that haven’t made their way out into the world yet.

At the end of the day, the entire purpose of attending the Mothman Festival, was to get the word out there about MetaZoo. With MetaZoo’s presence being such a focal point of the event, and their sponsorship of the event as a whole… I think we can all agree, this was a huge win for MetaZoo as a whole. I can’t wait to see what future events are going to be like, and I also cannot wait to make more event exclusive promos to hand out!