MetaZoo Disclosure Pages 1.0

What: 7(+) Card Promo Set. Blind Packs of 2 random cards.

When: Pre-Sale: Thursday, July 27th

Shipping Started: 9/19/23

Cost: $8.00

Where: MetaZoo Marketplace

As the Men In Black continue investigating an incoming wave of reports, agents will be receiving assignments and details in the coming weeks — will you uncover non-human biologics, or just rubble from a weather balloon crash..?

Each disclosure includes 2 out of 4+ possible pages, at random.

Expected final transmission on September 1st.”

Setlist in progress:

1/7 Grays (NH/RH/FH)
2/7 UFO (FH)
3/7 Ominous Skies (NH/RH/FH)
4/7 ?
5/7 Recovered Biologics (NH/RH/FH)
5/7 Disclosure Files (NH/RH/FH)
6/7 Wreckage (NH/RH/FH)
7/7 Crash Site (NH/RH/FH)

Images were teased on MetaZoo’s Social Media pages earlier in the day before the surprise drop.

…p s..d ..lp ..e…! U.. ..ash ..t. to fo….

Some cryptic pictures follow after the sale was posted as well.