Water Tower – Rulings to Note: Part 2 – (3/1/23*)

UPDATED! 3/1/23

Back again as everyone is prepping for the 2023 Water Tower Event in Mason, Ohio. We continue on, this time reviewing some of the Rulings that will be important to this special Water Tower Format.
Rulings help clarify the intentions, limits, and interactions that cards and their effects have on each other. Knowing these rulings will help you make the correct plays and can give insight into what a card is capable of.
Please make sure to read and check in on the official documents regularly at the MetaZoo Games Gamplay website!

Official MetaZoo Rules Index 2/3/23

Beast of Busco (CN 31/159)
Can you use Hungry Crypto and rotate your hand while Placing the bottom of your palm on Beast of Busco?
■ No you cannot, Hungry Crypto states that you must place the bottom of your palm on the top of the Page and does not state you may rotate it. In order for the entirety of your palm to remain flat on the Page, the Page will need to remain fatigued and your hand will need to remain with the bottom of your palm touching the top of Beast of Busco.
Does the Lake Terra on Beast of Busco give it a Terra bonus?
■ No, Beast of Busco would not deal Terra bonus Damage if Lake Terra is active as the damage would only pertain to attacks.
Can you use Hungry Crypto and bend your fingers to touch other Pages?
■ Yes, Beast of Busco states nothing about the placement of your fingers. Just the bottom of your palm must be touching the Page when placing your hand down.
May I Fatigue Beast of Busco using Hungry Crypto to the left or the right?
■ Yes, All Pages may be Fatigued to the left or the right 90°.
Can you move your fingers when you are using Hungry Crypto on Beast of Busco?
■ Yes you may, until you place your fingers on the target. Once you have placed a finger touching another Page you may not move it to another Page.
May I use Beast of Busco’s Hungry Crypto Power and place my hand facing the
Opposing Caster instead of Facing in the Direction of Beast of Busco?

■ No, When you place your hand on Beast of Busco the Bottom of your palm must remain flat to the top of the Page. This will require you to place your hand in the same facing Direction of Beast of Busco when using Hungry Crypto.

Loveland Frogman (CN 11/159) UPDATED!
If I control 2 Loveland Frogman, do I get to Bookmark 2 extra pages at the start of my turn?
■ Yes, as each Loveland Frogman is referring to themselves versus ALL Loveland Frogman in the Arena.
Does Loveland Frogman have a Spellbook or Chapter?
■ No, Loveland Frogman does not have a Spellbook or Chapter and therefore cannot Bookmark Pages or Discard Pages due to Page effects.

Sewer Alligator (CN 126/159)
Can City Terra Pages fulfill Sewer Alligator’s requirement to Contract it?
■ Yes, a City Terra in the Arena would meet the requirement for Sewer Alligator.
In a competitive event, does playing in New York City fulfill Sewer Alligator’s requirement to Contract it?
■ No, in a competitive event the only way to fulfill 4th Wall Effects are with 4th Wall Items from the Item List, actions during the game, and Pages in the Arena, such as Terra Pages.

Bloody Bones (NF 123/163)
Do I have to pay the Aura Cost and other Contract requirements to Contract a Page from the top of my Spellbook with Bloody Bones?
■ Yes, you still must pay any Aura Cost and fulfill any other Contract requirements to Contract that Page.
Can I Contract a Water Aura Page on my turn with Bloody Bones’ Attack effect if I have already Contracted a Water Aura Page this turn?
■ No, you cannot Contract more than one Aura Page during a turn, unless otherwise stated.
Can I Contract Pages with Bloody Bones’s Attack Effect on an opposing Caster’s turn?
■ Yes.

Dampen (NF 65/163)
Can I use Dampen to target a Spell that is still in the Resolution Chain, even though it was not the most recent Page added to the Resolution Chain?
■ Yes. Dampen can target any Spell that is still in the Resolution Chain

-This allows any spell in the Resolution Chain to be targeted by Dampen. Not just the most recently played!-

Flying Manta Ray (NF 1/15) UPDATED!
If I use Flying Manta Ray’s Power, and Flying Manta Ray is Paralyzed but is still touching the chosen Beastie of the Power, does that Beastie still gain [Flight] from touching Flying Manta Ray?
■ Yes, After the Power has resolved the game checks to see if the effect conditions are still true. Are the two Pages still touching? If they are, regardless of Flying Manta Ray having effect text or not, the game will uphold this effect until the condition is no longer true.

Water Baby (NF 126/163)
If I Contracted an Ocean Terra Page in the Terra Slots that is still in play, do I Bookmark 1 when Water Baby is Destroyed?
■ Yes, you would Bookmark 1 because once Contracted Terra Pages are not controlled by a Caster.
If Water Baby’s Aura Type is changed into Flame with Chaos Potion, does Water Baby’s DESTROYED effect still resolve?
■ No, as Water Baby is a Flame Page when it is in the Arena and is Destroyed, and is also when it will check for any non-Water Pages.

Fur Bearing Trout (WN 107/165) UPDATED!
Is Fur Bearing trout considered a Water Page in addition to a Frost Page?
■ Yes, only while the game is active and the card becomes known information to you as the Caster to trigger the Static Effect on the Page. While constructing your Spellbook and before beginning a game, Fur Bearing Trout will be treated as a Frost Page.
When I have Fur Bearing Trout in my Chapter, may I Contract it for 1 [Water] Aura instead of 1 [Frost]?
■ No, Static Effects, or any Effect, will not change the Aura Cost of the Page unless the effect specifically mentions the Aura Cost of the Page.

Drowned Pianist (SNC 48/165) UPDATED!
If Drowned Pianist cannot be dealt Damage from [Water] Pages will he still block any Damage?
■ Drowned Pianist will not block any Damage as Damage cannot be dealt to Drowned Pianist, however during combat you must still allocate Damage towards Drowned Pianist following normal Combat rules if it is a Defender. After allocating the Damage to Drowned Pianist when you would deal Damage you would be unable to do so if the Attacking Beastie is a [Water] Beastie.

Bait Robbers (SNC 5/14) UPDATED! 3/1/23
Does Bait Robbers ARENA effect “This Beastie’s Attacks may target Pages you control
with Traps under them.” include being able to target itself if a Trap is under it?

■ Yes, you may. Bait Robbers may target itself with Attacks if it has a Trap Page
under it. Bait Robbers will bypass normal Targeting requirements due to its
ARENA effect.
If I target my Bait Robbers with an Attack does that put me in Combat with myself?
■ Yes, Bait robbers being able to Attack itself means you will enter Combat with
yourself, any Pages Contracted will still pass priority to the opposing Caster,
defenders may still be declared, and when you would resolve the Attack Effect
you would end Combat.

Wallowa Lake Crustacean (NF 125/163) UPDATED! 3/1/23
Can my Beasties Traits such as Fear place an opposing Wallowa Lake Crustacean back
into its Controllers Chapter?

■ No. Fear as a Trait is a Page effect on an opposing Beastie in this scenario and
thus will not be able to place Wallowa Lake Crustacean back into its controllers
Can a Status Effect such as Scare place Wallowa Lake Crustacean back into its
controller’s Chapter?

■ Yes. Scare as a Status Effect will not be considered a Page Effect and therefore
will place Wallowa Lake Crustacean back into its controller’s Chapter.
Can I use my own Beasties Fear trait to place a Wallowa Lake Crustacean I control back
in my Chapter?

■ No. Fear as a Trait states it may only target opposing Beasties and therefore
cannot target your Wallowa Lake Crustacean to place it back in your Chapter.