An Archivist’s Journey – CutthroatZoo

CutthroatZoo was privately awarded the honor of a MetaZoo Crafter Medal by Mike Waddell on 8/4/23. His community support and the MetaZoo Archives website have helped many casters and collectors keep up-to-date with MetaZoo products, news, events, and gameplay. CutthroatZoo is a competitive player and a certified Apprentice MetaZoologist (Judge). He has been awarded two Bronze MetaZoo Supporter Medals. One for his own Social Media Content, as well as the other for his work on the MetaZoo Archives Social Media Pages.

CutthroatZoo’s Story –

“I started collecting early in my childhood. My father collected sports cards and was very supportive of me collecting Pokemon cards. I played some Yu-Gi-Oh in high school and MTG in College. I held on to my childhood Pokemon collection though, checking on card values now and then. My wife would buy some of the larger cards for the collection as gifts through the years as well. Around 2020 I set out to collect the first 6 sets and Topps cards. I completed a few but as I got priced out I started looking around at what other playable card games were out there. That is when I found MetaZoo.

I took notice of MetaZoo in the Fall of 2021. 1st Edition Cryptid Nation was a bit out of my budget and Nightfall would be another month or more till its release. I was excited to get into playing so I bought some custom-made decks off eBay made up of just Common and Uncommon cards. My wife and I played them until we finally got some Nightfall when it was released!

In the Spring of 2022, I was watching YouTube Content Creators the likes of Cardboard & Coffee, EpicTube HD, and Turmentic. With a healthy dose of MetaBroz gameplay and Caster Society Events. I received my MetaZoologist (Judge) certification. I started hosting Sanctioned events at a shop about 45 minutes from me while collecting sets and teaching new players. Throughout the summer and fall, I started considering making content myself. In November 2022 Ian (Cardboard & Coffee), Harley (EpicTube HD), Rob (Tumentic), MJ (Caster’s Corner), and John (Immortal Workshop) started the MetaZoo Archive Website.

The MetaZoo Archive’s mission was to create a collaborative site to host a wide variety of News, Product Information, Market Analysis, and Gameplay. Over the Winter going into 2023, the MetaZoo community noticed that the MetaZooHQ website was slowly becoming less active. The site used to be the leading source of MetaZoo Setlists and product information. As fewer updates occurred on the site, I saw an opportunity to contribute similar content to the MetaZoo Archive. I offered to start creating pages for past and current MetaZoo products. Over time the other members of our group pivoted to other focuses in the end leaving me as the lone contributor.

The website has become focused on current and upcoming MetaZoo products/events. I help to transcribe Cryptid Lore videos from Turmentic’s YouTube channel, as well as gain very valuable support through Immortal Workshop’s Affiliate Program. While not directly involved, Cardboard & Coffee supports the back-end web domain licenses. I’m glad I offered to assist and I’m happy to supply/document all that I can about all things MetaZoo.

On the social community side of things, I contribute as much knowledge and insight as I can through Discord discussions and social media engagement. I believe I was picked to receive the MetaZoo Crafter Medal not only for my contributions through this website but also for my active role in the community. I believe the Crafter Medal is one of the highest honors given to community members next to the Gold Supporter Medals. I am a proud recipient of two Bronze Medals myself and hope to add more video and photographic content in the future!

A big Thank You to everyone who has contributed to the website. Be it through articles, or information on sets and products. Thank You to John from Immortal Workshop, his support and gameplay events helped me afford this hobby and passion. I finally a Thank You to Mike Wadell and all the MetaZoo staff for creating such great collectibles and an amazing game!”