Sam’s Cryptid Collection: The Squonk

Transcribed by: CutthroatZoo

You’re going on your daily jog through the woods when all of a sudden you hear a crying sound coming from next to you. You stop and you start looking around. The crying intensifies, and it then sounds like it’s behind you. You turn around and lock eyes with a small creature. Immediately the creature bursts into tears. Literally bursts into tears. You my fellow caster have just run into a Squonk.

The Squonk, also known as Lacrimacorpus Dissolvens, is from the Hemlock Forest of North Pennsylvania. Coming in at 3 feet 11 inches tall and 79.8 pounds. It was first seen in the late 19th century. The earliest written account was in 1910 in a book by William T Cox called “Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods” With a few desert and mountain besties Squonks come in various colors, primarily it’s mostly blue and brown. Now squonks are ashamed of their appearance for they are covered in warts. Their skin is ill-fitting, they have an awkward composition, and only their left feet are webbed. Squonks are so ashamed of their appearance that they usually hide in plain sight and just weep. They only move around at nightfall. Moons are tricky for them though as they do not like to see their own reflections in any sort of water. If they do they will erupt into literal tears.

They are also very easy to track because of their constant crying. Most casters can track their tears. Those tears also make this a difficult beast to contract as they will turn into literal tears if it is under too much stress, or if you actually make eye contact with it. My advice to your fellow casters is if this is a beastie that you want to contract make sure to go out and hunt it at night when it is cold, as the cold makes the Squonk move slower. Also, you might want to bring a Frost spell with you to maybe freeze it before that contract takes place. but just make sure you don’t look it in the eyes or you’ll end up with nothing, but tears.