MetaZoo Crafter Medal Recipients

Mike Waddell -“The crafter medal is one of our most prestigious medals awarded to those community members who make remarkable contributions to MetaZoo’s culture, community, etc…”
As of 8/19/23 this card has been awarded to only 8 known community members.


Mike Waddell – 5/28/2021
“…I want to announce a very special medal. It’s one for members of our community that have contributed in major ways to the creative world that is MetaZoo. We are only printing 100 of this card and will only award it in special cases. Many of you elected @Raincoat… |, a community member who has contributed majorly to the musical world of MetaZoo, as the first recipient of this medal (it is still on its way from the printer and will likely only arrive this summer). Join me in congratulating @Raincoat… | for everything they’ve done for the community!”

Raincoat… has been awarded the Patreon, Kickstarter, and Influencer Medals. As well as multiple Content Creator Medals. They have released 12 albums across 8 platforms.

Raincoat… – | Broadcasting CryptidFM – Article


Mike Waddell – 10/12/2021
“I (Mike Waddell) am personally honored to announce that the second official recipient of the highly exclusive Crafter Medal is none other than @ArtCrypt for their tremendous contributions to the MetaZoo community, as well as their positive attitude and friendly approach to growing the community! Please join me in congratulating them!”

ArtCrypt – Instagram

Chaos Crystal Enthusiast (Andy M.)

Mike Waddell – 10/12/2021
“Technically there have been 3 crafter medals! Join me in congratulating @CCE for his hard work in creating a line of awesome MetaZoo Carddass Vending Machines that can use MetaZoo Coins! These designs will be featured in our brick and mortar MetaZoo shops in 2022!”

Andy Mourat was announced to be stepping into the role of President of MetaZoo Games. 8/8/23


Mike Waddell – 10/12/2021
“The 4th and final Crafter to be given out until Wilderness goes to… @Florkofcows! Thank you for making thousands of us laugh daily with your flork bot. I can’t imagine the level of effort that goes into making one of each of our beasties, but you did it in fantastic fashion! Please join me in congratulating the last recipient of the Crafter Medal for this set!”

Florkofcows has also been awarded the Content Creator and Influencer Medals.

Flork of Cows Comics | Flork – Twitter | .flork – MZ Archives Article/Gallery


Mike Waddell – 07/13/2022
“I’ll start it off with my first personal choice! @3dvegas is a true creative when it comes to bringing the MetaZoo world to life! I expect great things from him, and I’m very happy to award him the first of the new Crafter Medals!”

3dvegas has been awarded the Content Creator Medal as well.

3dvegas Instagram | Forged In Filament – Article


Mike Waddell – 11/12/2022
“I’m proud to announce the recipient of our coveted Crafter Medal, @minman! Unbeknownst to many of you in the community, Art has been helping me work on the NFTs for almost a year now, doing work and pulling info and data and preparing spreadsheets, all out of his love for MetaZoo and our NFT community. I couldn’t be happier to award this Medal to him, and I’m sure those who know him and the work he does would agree on how incredible he is!”

Jody –

Mike Waddell – 11/12/2022
“I am so happy to announce another Craft Medal recipient, @Jody⭐! The first and most comprehensive resource on all things MetaZoo. I’ve heard that even grading companies use Jody’s work on a daily basis, and I know the MetaZoo team certainly does! Please join me in congratulating this amazing person for all the hard work he does for our community.” | Heading to HQ – Article (Coming Soon)

CutthroatZoo –


CutthroatZoo has been privately awarded the honor of a Crafter Medal by Mike Waddell. His community support and the MetaZoo Archives website have helped many casters and collectors keep up-to-date with MetaZoo products, news, events, and gameplay.

CutthroatZoo is a competitive player and a certified Apprentice MetaZoologist (Judge).

CutthroatZoo – Instagram | MetaZooArchives – Instagram | Patreon Support |
An Archivist’s Journey – CutthroatZoo’s Story

Original Art by PONCHO